Anxiety impacts millions of people across the world in different ways. Some people are able to handle it well, while others need a bit of help to work through it. Unfortunately, because of the stressful society we live in, anxiety has become more prominent throughout the years. While it’s a good thing that it’s getting more attention and people are recognizing symptoms, the way it can impact lives is overwhelming.
What’s worse? Some people don’t get the help they truly need and deserve when it comes to anxiety. Why is that? A lot of it has to do with expectations and the stress levels many people are willing to deal with. Most people understand that a little bit of anxiety is unavoidable in today’s world. That might be true, and managing a small amount of anxiety doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
Knowing if your anxiety is unhealthy is important. When does it cross that line of something you can manage on your own to something that is taking over your life completely?
Understand Your Triggers
One of the best ways to know if your anxiety is unhealthy is to determine if you have any underlying triggers. Do you find that you’re relatively calm most of the time, but certain things can almost instantly fuel your worries or cause you to start spiraling with fear?
When someone seeks out treatment for anxiety, one of the biggest goals is to uncover the “root” of the issue. Anxiety can be managed and the symptoms can be dealt with. But, until you’re able to figure out what’s triggering it, you’ll only be scratching the surface.
A therapist can help you dig deeper and uncover that root, as well as any triggers that might be making things worse. In the meantime, if you’ve started to notice more of those triggers in your life, it’s a sign that you may need help dealing with them.
Symptoms Taking Over
Another sign that your anxiety is unhealthy is if it’s starting to consume nearly every aspect of your life. Some people have an easier time managing their anxious thoughts and feelings than others. But, if you find that your fear is affecting the way you do things, that’s no way to live.
For example, do you ever find yourself avoiding social situations out of fear? Maybe certain circumstances fuel your anxiety, so you stay away. Maybe you’ve even developed specific phobias that make it difficult to live your life the way you used to.
Some of the most paralyzing symptoms of anxiety include:
Changes in eating/sleeping habits
Trouble concentrating
Digestive issues and nausea
As you might expect, any of those problems can have a negative impact on your life and make it hard to focus on anything else.
Unfortunately, when you have anxiety, you can fall into a negative cycle of worrying thoughts and symptoms. Feeling sick or fatigued can fuel your fears. You might worry that something is physically wrong with you, or let your thoughts wander into assuming the worst. That will “rev up” your symptoms, making it nearly impossible to break free from those thoughts on your own.
What Can You Do?
If your anxiety is unhealthy, the best thing you can do is seek out help. Therapy is the best option, but it’s also a good idea to lean on family, friends, and support groups for help. This isn’t something you have to deal with on your own.
The good news? Anxiety doesn’t have to consume your life forever. When you recognize how it’s impacting you and understand that help is available, you can take the reins and start to regain control over the fear threatening your well-being. Reach out today to learn how to get the support perfect for you.